(What's THAT supposed to mean?!)

FLARE: (noun) a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate;
----------- (verb) to burn brightly or to erupt or intensify suddenly.
FLAIR: (noun) a natural talent or distinctive & stylish elegance.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rewind #13: The Conversation EVERY Married Couple Should Have

Original air date: 10Feb2010
I’m really trying not to make this blog a moment-by-moment account of my life ... I guess that’s a lot of the difference between Facebook and a blog - I’ve determined that this blog would be for more of my “deeper thoughts” and more in-depth discussions (even if they are just one-way!) But something happened this evening with my hubby that I really want to pass along - and really, something I’d recommend every married couple should do.
It all started with a conversation about speakers. It morphed into a conversation about ways that we have permanently changed each other, where even after the other spouse is gone, the effect would remain. I am going to keep as a special treasure in my heart the different ways that Danny said I have impacted him (and vice versa,) but all I can do is recommend that all spouses take the time to tell each other the things we usually don’t. Too often we tend to take for granted that our spouse just *knows* that they are our best friend, or that we are proud of them, or that we respect them, or that they make us happy or we appreciate the work they do ... and on & on & on!! That’s one of the big things I’m learning from the “Love & Respect” book we are reading - that we need to actually say those words to each other! Women: when was the last time you told your husband that you were proud of him? That you respected how hard he worked and all the sacrifices he’s made for the family? When do we think to actually say those words? Don’t we take for granted that he knows it? I hope the guys will think about how often he has told his wife that he loves her & enjoys spending time with her, that he thinks she is the prettiest girl in town, and he appreciates how hard she works, and that he loves how she is raising the kids... stuff like that. Whatever our day-to-day life is, that is typically the stuff we overlook showing appreciation for. I always want my husband to be convinced without a doubt that he is the most amazing man on the planet to me - and I know I have a long ways to go in expressing enough of my feelings about that. He needs to know that in an entire room full of men, he would be the ONLY man to stand out of the crowd to me. He has forever changed my life, and I hope I am thoughtful enough to tell him that! You know what’s weird??? I have even thought about what I would say at his --funeral--, yet I don’t think I’ve ever told HIM. I resolve to tell him soon. 
Again, just food for thought.

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