(What's THAT supposed to mean?!)

FLARE: (noun) a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate;
----------- (verb) to burn brightly or to erupt or intensify suddenly.
FLAIR: (noun) a natural talent or distinctive & stylish elegance.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rewind #11: Things That Make Me HAPPY

Original air date: 6Feb2010
You might consider this a continuation of the entry: Some of the good things!, or you just think of it as a Happy List. My life is filled with some absolutely AMAZING things, and there are opportunities to be filled with joy & happiness at every turn ... so I wanted to share a few of them with you! I once read about a woman that kept a “happy box” ... it was filled with all kinds of little things that made her happy. It might be dried flowers from a special event, a meaningful card from a friend, a hilarious comic she ran across ... anything that would make her smile if she looked at it while feeling a little blue. Think of this blog entry as my happy box! (And since I covered all the deeper spiritual stuff before, this is just the kind of stuff that can make me smile during the day.) :)
First, a good song. There are SO many songs that are just GREAT to sing along to in the car. Sun shining, my windows down and sunroof open, my radio up & singing at the top of my lungs, complete with funny looks by the people in the car next to me at the red light. But that’s alright ... I’ve seen that look before, and I’ll see it again. Here are some songs that are absolutely impossible to sing along to and stay in a blue mood:
“Loco” by David Lee Murphy. Now just TRY to
say you can sing along to that with the windows down
and the sun shining and NOT be instantly in a
better mood!!
Fun fonts. I *really* hope these are showing up
on your computer too ... because few things about
working on a computer
are more fun for me that cool fonts. Believe me, Danny hates it when he has to get on my computer for something ... he thinks I make “everything all weird.” :)
I like calla lilies, daisies, and anything other flower brave enough to
bloom in my yard. I love horseback riding and I love birds. I have had
several little hand-fed cockatiels and really enjoyed them! Unfortunately,
they aren’t the cleanest of pets. :( Other happy things are: the color red,
artsing, craftsing, and creating anything with my hands; cross stitching,
learning new things - like sewing, which is the most recent thing to be
added to my repertoire. And yes, I like spell check, which enables me to use words like "repertoire."
You don’t have to know me very long to know that one of the things I
enjoy the most about life is a good excuse for a gut-busting laugh. I
can’t think of many things in life that aren’t made better by some humor &
learning to take myself a little less seriously. Got a great joke? Share it with me! Know a
funny quote? I like to collect those too. This is one of the reasons I enjoy comedy movies so much (plus the fact that they are a GREAT excuse to cuddle with Danny on the couch.) Danny & I tease each other that we talk in movie lines more than we talk in actual invented conversation. You’ll hear us often quoting from shows like 24, Dumb & Dumber, Kung Fu Panda,  House, Honeymooners ...... well shoot, we quote just about anything we can remember!! There’s also another habit we have when we watch movies that is hilarious to us and I’m sure annoying as can be to anyone sitting with us: we LOVE to talk, criticize, guess, advise and jab our way through the shows! Danny says it’s like Mystery Science Theatre ... but since I’ve never seen it, I can’t confirm or deny that. ;-) We watch movies so much and so many times that we say that the next thing we’re going to do is start watching the shows on mute and we’ll make up our own dialogue. 
My life is filled with ALL KINDS of good things ... all I’ve done here is scratch the surface of things I enjoy. I hope to continue to post things I like and bring a little joy to this blog. Right now I am surrounded by a few of my favorite things in my life: my husband (who is my best friend) is sitting right next to me -- (even if he is asleep, making cute little partial conversation-sounding noises;) a semi-warm cup of really sweet coffee and a homemade dark chocolate thingy that my mom made on the end table next to the couch, and of course, the world of my friends sharing their lives with me through the wonders of things like Facebook ... as I wind down from a day of worshipping the Lord and spending time with my church family - with the bonus of knowing that my Mom & Dad will be in town soon and I’ll get to spend time with them and my sister this week. What a night! It is easy for me to see that I am blessed and my cup overflows.
Hope you guys are having a most fabulous day!!

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