(What's THAT supposed to mean?!)

FLARE: (noun) a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate;
----------- (verb) to burn brightly or to erupt or intensify suddenly.
FLAIR: (noun) a natural talent or distinctive & stylish elegance.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Living with April Showers, May Flowers, and Fertilizer

Earlier today I was driving in a light rain down a road called Garden Highway. It's one of the few streets with a fitting name; it winds through beautiful stretches of orchards and agriculture. While driving through the drizzle I was enjoying looking at the gorgeous trees covered with bright pink blossoms and all the flowers peeking their heads out of winter-worn flower beds. I thought how the brightly colored blooms seemed to not fit with the darkened grey sky; their beauty deserved the rays of sunshine classic of springtime postcards and computer screen savers. While I personally enjoy rainy days and puddles and mud, I thought of how many people complain when it rains and are miserable on days like this; I always feel they are missing out on the beauty of a rainy day. However, I've yet to meet a person who doesn't like spring blooms and trees covered in blossoms and the symphony of returning songbirds chorusing in their backyard! (Not counting people with bad seasonal allergies, that is - and even they enjoy the beauty if it weren't for the sneezing.)

But then something struck me -- while we all love the days and seasons in our lives that are full of proverbial flowers and songbirds, very few of us are thankful for the storms in life that make those lovely days possible! Think about it - as soon as any kind of hard time hits us or someone we love, what is the first thing we do? If we are praying people, then we call all our friends to pray hard for this person that their affliction is lifted. "Lord, please make them healthy - restore their job - heal their marriage - remove the trouble with their kids ---- make the hard times go away." If we aren't praying people, then we send them well wishes and healing energy and loving thoughts. We all commiserate with our friends and tell them we would take this away from them if we possibly could.

But should we?

What if we prayed that there were no dreary, rainy days in spring? Where would the flowers be? Where would the harvest be?

When there are times without rain, what do we have to do? What if there's no natural nutrients or fertilizer? Well, we have to pipe in the rain artificially. We turn on the sprinklers and apply the store-bought fertilizer. And the longer we go without rain, the more we have to turn to artificial means to hope for growth. But even with these artificial means, if the rain is absent long enough - if the drought is severe enough - then eventually even our irrigation channels will run dry. (In fact, for some people it requires a drought for them to appreciate the rain.) And life is no different. When I think about it, when growth is not happening naturally -- through mentoring, for example, where the people who are more mature have taken the younger under their wings and helped them grow by investing in their lives and teaching them day by day -- then artificial means have to be employed. Bring on the self-help books - the intellectual studies about how to build character, the workbooks about how to "be the best you you can be."

I don't know about you, but when I look back on my life it is almost solely in times of trial that I have really grown - that's when I have learned anything of substance, whether it's about myself or God or others. Very, very rarely does monumental growth happen for me when life is hunky-dorey. What about you? How much do your muscles grow when they are at rest? Don't they require resistance to grow? And from what I understand, the muscles have to tear ever so slightly in order to grow stronger. Where's the strongest part of a bone? Isn't it where was once broken and has since healed? The strongest part of a piece of metal is where it was soldered or welded. Unless, of course, the welding was done poorly, or the bone healed improperly. When there is trial and we try to heal artificially, instead of becoming the strongest point, it instead becomes the weakest point.

So how do I know whether or not the hardship is precisely what is needed to strengthen me? What if all our prayers were answered and every hardship was lifted - where would that leave us?

If it weren't for the hard times and afflictions in life, the rubber would never meet the road. The gold would never be refined. And who wants gold filled with impurities? We all want to be pure gold, but we never want to be refined. Often times the best possible thing that could happen in our lives is a healthy dose of rain and fertilizer.

So my mindset is changing. Instead of praying for every hardship to be lifted and for every refiner's fire to be snuffed out, I instead am learning to pray for perseverance, for faith, and for the wisdom to recognize the lessons in the trial facing me. In other words:
And because I have a hope that extends far beyond my circumstances -- far beyond this life, I can say from my heart, "[W]e rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit..." and therefore: "This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life. It is good for me that I was afflicted -- in faithfulness you have afflicted me."  

Note: While I was in the process of writing this post, a friend unknowingly caught me in my own trap! I had posted in a Facebook thread about how much I dislike the wind, and this was my dear friend's comment: "[I'm] not exactly a fan of the wind either. However, I find it interesting that the wind can help scatter seed in the windy season even if I think that the wind is frustrating at times. Likewise, when I get frustrated about spreading God's word to people thinking that my breath might be wasted and no one is listening, it helps to realize that seed is being scattered in the process and He knows where it will fall." I am so grateful for friends who help put things in perspective for me! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Losing & Finding My Way - Again (Part Two)

{Continued from "Losing & Finding My Way - Again (Part One)"}

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one {more} traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

But then something slowly changed.

And I didn't notice it changing.

I think most of us have heard the story about the poor little frog and the boiling water; if he's put in lukewarm water and then it's heated to boiling, he won't jump out and it will kill him - but if you try to plop him into water already boiling he'll jump right out and save his life. Isn't that so true in life? 

Just like I didn't realize how weary I had become when I first tasted true healing, I didn't realize just how much things had changed in the years since I'd turned my life to Jesus. Have you ever been carrying a super heavy backpack and then when you set it down, you immediately feel like you're going to float right off the ground? Isn't that the weirdest feeling?! That's as close as I can explain the feeling when you realize that Jesus has taken your load of bricks off your back - your soul floats and soars. (And if you are where I was, believe me - I understand how hokey that sounds.) 

Well, somewhere along the line I never realized that my yoke was no longer easy and my burden was no longer light. But why? It has taken me years to realize why. 

I'm not here to go into the ins and outs of everything that made me realize what I have come to realize, but I would like to share a few things. First, the most important thing I could stress right now is:
If the yoke is not easy and the burden is not light, then it is not from Jesus. 
There are many, many people who are peddling heavy burdens in the name of God that are not from God. Just like when Jesus walked the earth 2,000 years ago, there are an overwhelming number of people who have changed what God has commanded into their own religion. How could Jesus defy so many Jewish laws and yet claim to be of God, when God Himself established the Jewish religion? Because over the centuries, Jews had added their own stipulations on top of what God had given - and yet they claimed it was all a mandatory part of the faith, and they would harshly judge and condemn anyone who did not keep their religion as they had come to define it. [Sound familiar?] For example, when God told the Jews to observe the Sabbath and keep it holy, the Jews added countless laws down to how many steps could be taken on the day. Did you know they even made a law saying you could not heal someone with mud & spittle on the Sabbath?? So, when Jesus came and healed a man born blind on a Sabbath using mud & spittle, was Jesus breaking the law? Yes. And no. He was breaking the law the Jews had created, but not the law of God. 

I believe if Jesus were to walk the earth in the flesh today, He would make a lot of Christians very mad. Why? Because He would no doubt break many such laws that we have added over 20 centuries in order to show us what God had intended for us all along. Why else does the Christianity we see all around us today look almost nothing like what we read about in the pages of the New Testament? Today we see a multi-billion dollar industry called "religion"; when Jesus walked the earth, helping the orphan and the widow in their affliction was called "true religion." "Organized religion" in their day might've meant multiple followers of Christ working together to feed those orphans; today a majority of Americans say they hate organized religion (for good reason) - because of what it's come to mean in our vocabulary. The differences are endless between how we see early followers of "the Way" acting with each other and their world, and what we see today.

There is one thing I am not interested in doing:
Giving you my conclusions about what those differences are. 

I am on a journey back to the beginning. Back to when the yoke was easy. Sometimes that means taking a turn off the road most traveled and most popular, and onto a road few understand or agree with. For too long I got caught up majoring in the minors and auditing the majors. I've learned there is a monumental difference between intellectually studying about the history of Jesus, and in pursuing a living, breathing, tangible, change-the-way-you-live-your-life relationship with Jesus, by living through the power of His Spirit. Francis Chan said it well when he said that the majority of lives of believers are indistinguishable - they "make sense" - to unbelievers. In what ways am I living by faith in such a way where if God does not come through, I'm hosed?? For years I have sung - and heard crowds singing - words such as, "Living by faith in Jesus alone" .... "Though none go with me, still I will follow" .... "We place You in the highest place, above all else" ......... and frankly, many of us haven't meant it. The first thing many consider when it comes to following Jesus is how popular that move would be with the church. (And if it's not popular, well then.......). And the fact is, in my life and many others', God has been anything but "above all else."

So here's where I am with all of this now. For the first time in my life I truly understand the old cliché about "the more I know, the more I know I don't know." I'm stripping things down to a living, breathing relationship with Jesus and am pursuing knowing Him - not knowing about Him. To the best of my ability I will help anyone I can to draw close to Him as well, but not to hand them my conclusions. I will help show them what I've learned about how to pursue Him so they can get their conclusions from Him, not my feeble little mind. I believe one of the reasons that His way is described as narrow is because it really is very simple. Seek to know Him, and Him crucified. There's so much else we try to add to the path that are distractions at best, detours at worst. Let's stick to the straight and narrow, my friend, and along the way we can help to remind each other that His way is easy and His burden is light. Let's not accept any counterfeits.

Losing & Finding My Way - Again (Part One)

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

----Robert Frost

Several years ago ... nearly 10, to be exact ... I turned the direction of my life on its tail and nothing has been the same since. I had been confident in my worldview and more than a bit cocky, because I "knew" what few others seemed to grasp - and yet it was so clear to me: All we are is all we are. There is no magical supernatural being over us or in us; the only part of the Bible I agreed with was some part about coming from dust and ending in dust. Period. End of story. 

Although I had this grasp on a "truth" that seemed to escape the masses, there eventually came a point when I was forced to admit that my life was digging itself deeper into a ditch - a ditch that those masses were seemingly avoiding. What was the difference? In my early 20's I finally took to heart the old maxim, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results." I had been making decisions the same way over & over and was getting the same downward-spiraling results over & over. It was time for a change. 

But what needed to change? I wasn't sure - so everything was up for reexamination. Turns out that my entire life was put on an anvil by which I was being forged into something completely different - what I believed, how I thought, who I spent time with, what I did for a living, what I did for recreation - all of these things were up for reevaluation. This was the most important thing I ever did in my life, and I hope that I never take any piece out of the "Able To Be Re-Examined" category again.

By that point in my life I was weary. Weary of running so hard and so fast in one direction only to realize, a hundred miles down that road, that it was the wrong road. I was weary of living according to the way that every logical neuron in my brain said was right, and yet it ended in disaster time and time again. I was weary of having no hope; I was weary of thinking that the here & now was the best it would ever be. "But I am a realist," I continued to tell myself. You don't believe in something that's not true just because you want it to be true; just because it makes you all fuzzy inside. That's the 'opiate of the masses,' right? But I was ... so ... weary.

"Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me - and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Have you ever heard something that soothed a nerve deep inside your soul that had been rubbed raw? Maybe a raw nerve you didn't even realize you had? This was it for me. I don't know that I realized at the time just how weary I was, until I tasted of this salve for the first time.  Somewhere in my subconscious - that part where you know it, but you won't admit it to yourself - I had been trying to treat my own raw nerves in several ways for a long time. It was as if deep in my soul I had a bundle of raw nerves - like copper wires stripped of their protective coating - and as painful as each one was, they were outright dangerous if one bare wire touched another. So I would wrap each raw nerve in whatever I had in my tool belt (which, as an atheist, wasn't much), so I wrapped each nerve as if in an Ace bandage of alcohol, or partying, or just the constant noise and busy-ness around me so that I would never be left alone in the [sober] quiet company of my own raw nerves. But what I had come to learn was that these bandages of partying and distraction were actually just as conductive as a bare wire; although it might take a delay of a short amount of time for the electric shock to travel, the punch delivered was sometimes worse than it would've been without the delay. 

But then I started to experience a genuine salve - a true solution for my raw nerves instead of the poor & temporary fixes I'd been attempting. A single drop of hope applied to a raw nerve is more soothing than a hundred bottles of alcohol. The more I sought to learn more about this "easy yoke" and "light burden," the more that one drop of hope turned into a small, steady trickle from a faucet. Each drop peeled back a layer of my own shoddy bandaging and applied a sincere remedy - and unlike my other attempts, this one wasn't wearing off a few hours later to only reveal more corroded wire. Unless I went back in after the salve had been applied and stripped the wire raw again on my own, it stayed healed. I'd never experienced such a thing before -- and it made me crave more of it.

Little by little and day by day I realized that Jesus - yes, this same Jesus whom I had debated endlessly about and whom I had denied my entire life - was standing right in front of me, knocking persistently at my door and imploring that I let Him heal not just one or two of my raw nerves, but every single raw nerve I had. Ones I didn't even know I had. He would gladly take the bag of bricks I'd been accumulating off my back, set them down and forget them, and hand me a yoke that was truly a resting place for my soul. I was finding that Jesus was not some historical event to debate or some overlord desperate to condemn the world -- He was living and breathing and calling me, all in a way I couldn't explain. How could someone who lived 2,000 years ago be active in my life today?? Skeptical, thinking it was too good to be true, I eventually took Him up on His offer. And you know what? Every raw nerve is healing and my soul is at rest. This sure doesn't mean I don't have problems - it simply means that the fountain of hope & living water from which I now freely drink is enough to give me a contentment and a peace that goes well beyond whatever temporal problems I have -- and that, my friends, is rest for my soul.

{But then something changed. Please see Part Two}