(What's THAT supposed to mean?!)

FLARE: (noun) a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate;
----------- (verb) to burn brightly or to erupt or intensify suddenly.
FLAIR: (noun) a natural talent or distinctive & stylish elegance.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Condition Finally Has a Name: PICP

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders!! Thanks to a blog entry I just read, there is finally a name to a condition I suffer from all the time; it is called "Perfection-Induced Craft Paralysis." Whew! There, I said it! What are the symptoms of this chronic, and sometimes contagious disease, you ask? Take the quiz below --
Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?

  • Saving "the perfect" craft material for "the perfect" craft project - for so long that it becomes an antique in your collection
  • You are terrified to make that first cut (into the fabric, wire, yarn, wood, etc) because you might make a mistake
  • You end up organizing your craft room or alphabetizing your thread by color name instead of actually working on a craft project because you're stalling for time
  • You have a paralyzing fear of deciding on a plan and getting to work on it, only to find a pattern you like better the very next day
  • You have exorbitant amounts of pinned projects on Pinterest that you have yet to make
  • You have a non-stop habit of nit-picking your work
  • You don't know where 'attention to detail' turns into 'perfectionism' becomes 'OCD'
If you experience these symptoms on a regular basis when crafting, then you too may suffer from PICP. So what's the solution? How do you treat this condition?? I'm not a licensed therapist or anything, but I will tell you what I plan to do: JUST CUT IT ALREADY. The next time I sit down to make a project, I am going to look through the patterns I have and the pins I've already pinned and choose from those what I will make. I will recklessly grab fabric that would compliment the project and without shame or hesitation start to CUT. I'm not even going to wait for the next weekly sewing group to have someone more experienced tell me how to do it. I'm going for it!!! I have SO many projects unfinished at this point for the simple reason that I am afraid of messing them up. Fear no more! I shall blaze ahead!!!!

What about you? Do you suffer from PICP also?? What projects do you have currently collecting dust only because you're afraid you'll mess them up? How will you treat your PICP? 

Besides ... what's the worst that could happen?? :)


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! That checklist is excellent.

    (I still have to make the tutorial/pattern for my ruffled toddler dress. Dress number 2 has been cut. Hopefully I can get in sewn and the tutorial written in the next week or so...)

  2. Sounds great! I'll be eager to try it out. :)
